Computer Backup

Does Your Business Need Computer Backup Services that you can truly rely on? For the Best Small Business Backup Solutions in Metro Atlanta or West Georgia, call the experts from Computer Helper!

Losing Your Data Could Mean Losing Your Business! Get Computer Backup Services Today

Recent studies have shown that 6 out of every 10 companies that encounters a full-system data loss will be out of business in 6 months or less. Think it couldn’t happen to you? Well you’re wrong. More than half the Small Businesses in the U.S. are completely unprepared for a whole scale data loss. And even if you were to recover from a data loss, it could spell untold financial repercussions for your business. Worldwide, data loss accounted for nearly $2 Trillion worth of damages last year alone. And if you thought that unregulated cloud storage alone was safe, think about the fact that 30-50% of the companies that lose their data every year lose it from their cloud backup storage. How maddening is it to finally think that your most precious data is safe, only to lose it to cloud failure. And once that data is gone, there’s no getting it back. And that could spell doom for any Small Business in Douglasville, Metro Atlanta, or West GA.

No Local Company Does Secure Computer Backup Services Like Computer Helper – Call Us Today

Every day that you put off securing your company’s Computer Backup Services is another day you spend getting close to the danger zone. Since 1989, Computer Helper has been helping Metro Atlanta and West Georgia’s Small Businesses with outstanding, bulletproof, data backup solutions. In the olden days, people kept paper miles and miles of paper files stuffed in folders, and jammed in file cabinets. Small Business Owners used a Rolodex to keep track of all their most important phone numbers. Credit Card Information and other sensitive data was often kept in a safe, or a locking cabinet. While this data was still susceptible to theft or destruction, it wasn’t quite as simple as pressing a delete key. Without proper data backup solutions, your entire business could come crashing down with the accidental pressing of one little “delete” key. If that doesn’t terrify you, we desperately hope it impacts someone else in your business. Because if your digital information is wiped out, the chances are extremely high that your business will soon follow.

Don’t Leave Your Data (and Your Business) to Chance! Get Computer Backup Services from Computer Helper

If you know you need Computer Backup Solutions, you want to enhance your current data backup services, or you would like an expert to evaluate just how secure your current Computer Backup Services are, call or contact Computer Helper! We’ve been helping Small Business Owners and Operators in Douglasville, Metro Atlanta, and West Georgia keep their most important data secured, protected, and safeguarded from hackers, viruses, natural disasters, power outages, physical damage, and accidental user error since 1989. We take pride in keeping every single Computer Backup Services Client’s data safe and double-guarded. Save your data, and possibly your business, with advanced Computer Backup Services from your favorite Local IT Support Company, Computer Helper. Call us for all your IT Support Service needs!